empowering young moms to learn and practice nurturing parenting and self care skills


Our commitment is multifaceted: understanding that each person’s needs include spiritual, social, psychological, and physical nurturing.


CHLOE impacts the complex issues of adolescent parenting. We are committed to equipping and empowering young moms to learn and practice nurturing parenting and self care skills as they are guided toward financial self-sufficiency.

Adolescent women ages 13-21 are welcome to enroll at any stage of their pregnancy and/or parenting.


Make it stand out

Young moms live on a slippery slope, too many slip into poverty, abuse and despair with their children in tow.

Young moms are at an increased risk of poverty; school failure; poor preparation for the workforce; child abuse and neglect; and health issues such as a rapid repeat pregnancy, premature birth, and infant mortality.

We understand that adolescent parents are often trapped by multiple, interconnected factors.


Make it stand out

Understanding the challenges unique to young moms and the resulting impact on their children is the catalyst that directs our vision and mission.